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July 26, 2024

Specifications and Requirements for the Design of the Innovation Laboratory in General

Specifications and Requirements for the Design of the Innovation Laboratory in General

31 Jul 2024
Specifications and Requirements for the Design of the Innovation Laboratory in General

Specifications and Requirements for the Design of the Innovation Laboratory in General

31 Jul 2024
Design and Build for Development of Al Badiyeh Fishermen Port / Al Badiyeh - Fujairah

Design and Build for Development of Al Badiyeh Fishermen Port / Al Badiyeh - Fujairah

28 Aug 2024
Designing administrative buildings for municipal centers in the Al Ain City Municipality - Consultant

Designing administrative buildings for municipal centers in the Al Ain City Municipality - Consultant

08 Aug 2024
Design and construction of a market for vegetables, fruits and fish in the Al-Amera area

Design and construction of a market for vegetables, fruits and fish in the Al-Amera area

06 Aug 2024
Dmt-Rfp-24-111 -Design and Construction Mbz Package 23

Dmt-Rfp-24-111 -Design and Construction Mbz Package 23

12 Jul 2024
Dmt-Rfp-24-112 - Design and Construction of Facilities-Mbz Package 24

Dmt-Rfp-24-112 - Design and Construction of Facilities-Mbz Package 24

12 Jul 2024
Dmt-Rfp-24-43 - Design & Construction of 5 No. Mosque's in Al Falah

Dmt-Rfp-24-43 - Design & Construction of 5 No. Mosque's in Al Falah

10 Jul 2024
Designing and Implementing E10 Road Entry and Exits -contractor

Designing and Implementing E10 Road Entry and Exits -contractor

15 Jul 2024
Dmt-rfp-24-112 - Design and Construction of Facilities-mbz Package 24

Dmt-rfp-24-112 - Design and Construction of Facilities-mbz Package 24

08 Jul 2024