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July 25, 2024

Ir-148/2 - Automatic Irrigation Systems and Landscaping for Sh. Zayed Road from Interchange 7 Till Abu Dhabi Border - Phase 2

Ir-148/2 - Automatic Irrigation Systems and Landscaping for Sh. Zayed Road from Interchange 7 Till Abu Dhabi Border - P

05 Aug 2024
Dmt-Rfp-24-131 - Al Reef Palace Stormwater Discharge - Contractor -

Dmt-Rfp-24-131 - Al Reef Palace Stormwater Discharge - Contractor -

24 Jul 2024
Ndrc Works - Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Glass Reinforced Epoxy Water Transmission Pipelines to Protect / Divert under Existing Services and Associated Works at Various Locations

Ndrc Works - Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Glass Reinforced Epoxy Water Transmission Pipelines to Pro

08 Aug 2024
Supply, Installation, Training and Commissioning of Sea Water Nanofiltration-Reverse Osmosis Pilot Plant

Supply, Installation, Training and Commissioning of Sea Water Nanofiltration-Reverse Osmosis Pilot Plant

01 Aug 2024
Ipr12438372, T22401957/kak, Hot Water Network Pipeline Elements Replacement, Repair and Boiler Service, Dh Fmu

Ipr12438372, T22401957/kak, Hot Water Network Pipeline Elements Replacement, Repair and Boiler Service, Dh Fmu

08 Jul 2024
Al Reef Palace Stormwater Discharge - Contractor

Al Reef Palace Stormwater Discharge - Contractor

17 Jul 2024
12413880 Antiscalant for Wastewater Treatment-standard

12413880 Antiscalant for Wastewater Treatment-standard

28 Jun 2024
Designing Automation of Secondary Irrigation Networks

Designing Automation of Secondary Irrigation Networks

01 Jul 2024
Designing Automation of Secondary Irrigation Networks

Designing Automation of Secondary Irrigation Networks

01 Jul 2024
Ndrc Works - Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Glass Reinforced Epoxy Water Transmission Pipelines to Protect / Divert under Existing Services and Associated Works at Various Locations

Ndrc Works - Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Glass Reinforced Epoxy Water Transmission Pipelines to Pro

18 Jul 2024