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July 27, 2024

Dronamics & Aramex sign deal for cargo drone technology

Dronamics, the world’s first cargo drone airline, has signed a LoI (Letter of Intent) agreement with UAE-based Aramex for cargo drone flights leveraging Dronamics’ technology and Aramex’s fleet management capabilities.

As per the statement, Dronamics, renowned for engineering and operating remotely-piloted cargo aircraft, will supply its innovative drone technology to Aramex, one of the largest companies in the logistics sector globally, to enable same-day middle-mile and long-range deliveries

Dronamics is co-funded by the European Union under the prestigious European Innovation Council, Europe’s flagship innovation program.

Sharing a common vision of the cargo drone delivery market, Dronamics and Aramex will explore joint deployment opportunities in the United Arab Emirates initially, followed by other key markets including South Africa and Australia.

Mr. Svilen Rangelov, Co-Founder and CEO of Dronamics, said that, “We’re excited to collaborate with Aramex, integrating Dronamics’ cargo drone technology to bring the transformative benefits of rapid, cost-effective, and sustainable same-day delivery to the global stage.”

Mr. Alaa Saoudi, Chief Operating Officer of Express Management at Aramex, stated that, “We are delighted to partner with Dronamics to explore their cargo drone capabilities within our operations. This aligns well with our continuing efforts towards harnessing innovation for enhanced operational efficiency, providing an exceptional customer experience, and minimizing our carbon footprint across the UAE and our global operations.”

“This partnership with Dronamics adds a new element to our Future vehicle program. We hope to pilot flights with Dronamics in 2024 partnering with the broader ecosystem of regulators and enablers” commented Mr.  Angad Singh, Global Innovation Director at Aramex.