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July 26, 2024

About Company

While Precast Concrete technology had been developed in Europe and the United States of America a long time ago, it was not used in the United Arab Emirates till 1975. This was when Al Meraikhi General Contracting Company realized that there was a high demand for an advanced industrial production of building components that could ensure higher efficiency, better value and quality. Since then, Al Meraikhi General Contracting Company, later Al Meraikhi Industrial Complex, has excelled in developing cost and time effective Precast Concrete construction techniques through innovation and sophisticated resources in management, design, construction, quality assurance and quality control capabilities.

Highly experienced and qualified staff, through progressive application of the advanced design and production techniques, continuously extends the pioneering and leading role of Al Meraikhi Industrial Complex today. New innovative design solutions and products are continuously enlarging the already wide range of Precast Concrete capabilities. The follow-up with the world leading technologies is backed up by membership of the American Concrete Institute (ACI), Precast Concrete Institute (PCI) and Glass Reinforced Cement Association (GRCA).

Our Website:- www.almgroup.ae


Al Meraikhi Industrial Complex
Al Meraikhi Industrial Complex

Contact Details

53023, Abu Dhabi, UAE

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