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July 26, 2024

About Company

When you walk into a restaurant and are handed an apron and a hammer, you know you’re in for a good time. Serving up generous portions of just-caught seafood cooked in aromatic herbs and marinades, this fun family-friendly restaurant sees guests donning aprons and cracking open crab and lobster – as well as oysters, mussels, and jumbo shrimp – with (you guessed it) hammers.

You’ll have to smash, crack and work your way through the catch. For those who’d rather not get messy, the restaurant also has a fine menu of American-inspired seafood dishes, such as lobster rolls, maki rolls or fresh poke bowls.

Many locals consider this place to be the best seafood venue in Dubai, with three branches located across the city. You will really need that apron once you start wielding the hammer.

Our Website: www.apronsandhammers.com


Aprons and Hammers.
Aprons and Hammers.

Contact Details

P.O. Box: 24580, Dubai ,UAE

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