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July 27, 2024

About Company

Our goal is the delivery of innovative, tailor-made logistics solutions that give our customers quantifiable added value. We achieve this with our dedicated personnel, our long-standing experience and the latest information technology.

Furthermore, our relationships with customers, subcontractors, and employees are guided by an attitude of partnership. This is our philosophy from the beginning of Fracht AG in Switzerland back in 1955.

With ever increasing frequency and urgency, we are being reminded of our dependence on the environment. Flooding, extreme temperatures, smog, etc. are clear indicators of the stress to which the environment is being subjected through our culpably negligent stewardship.

That’s why FRACHT Ltd. took a conscious decision many years ago to embed sustainability in our company philosophy . In practice, this means that we comply with the ISO 14001 norm and that we take full account of environmental considerations in daily business operations.

The cost of environmental protection is often’trotted out’ as an excuse for doing nothing. However, by selecting more environment-friendly modes of transport, by intelligently consolidating cargo flows and by fully exploiting modern telecommunications, efficiency can be increased and unproductive effort, such as empty runs, can be reduced to a minimum. Specifically in the case of complex logistics solutions, it’s the sum of the parts that determines the overall environmental impact.

The relationship between logistics provision and the environment is therefore a close one. Appropriate logistics solutions not only reduce this impact, they also cut costs and hence increase our customers’ competitiveness. In partnership with you, we try to be as responsible as possible in our use of resources and to constantly raise our environmental standards.

Our Services:

-Worldwide Airfreight
-Worldwide Seafreight
-Project Transport & Heavy Lifts
-Railage & Barging
-Logistics & Distribution
-Blockchain Solutions

Our Website: www.fracht.com




Contact Details

P.O. Box: 48084 Abu Dhabi, UAE

Corporate Profile Link: