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July 27, 2024

About Company

Organic Guild is a company established in 2016 by Emirati entrepreneurs with the purpose of encouraging and developing the organic industry in the UAE.

Our team of agriculture experts and engineers carefully source the organic products and AgriTech from accredited suppliers.

We aspire to help the community as well as to encourage and strengthen the sustainable, organic and urban growing among the UAE community to help shape the Agriculture industry in the UAE by offering the right products, to upscale growing food to money leveraging business by employing the principles like, Organic Agriculture, Agribusiness, AgriTech ,Sustainability , Marketing & Branding and Education.

Our expert team has also helped in establishing organic farms and businesses (organic livestock,poultry, date palm farms, and animal supplements) AgriTech urban gardening across the GCC, Ethiopia and
Germany .

Our Website: www.organicguild.ae


Organic Guild
Organic Guild

Contact Details

United Arab Emirates

Corporate Profile Link: