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July 27, 2024

Moro Hub partners with Dubai Healthcare City Authority

Moro Hub, a subsidiary of Digital DEWA, the digital arm of Dubai Electricity and Water Authority, has entered into a strategic collaboration with Dubai Healthcare City Authority (DHCA), the governing body of Dubai Healthcare City (DHCC), to offer its Integrated Physical Security Platform (IPSP) solutions.

This achievement marks a significant leap forward in healthcare security as DHCA becomes the first healthcare entity to adopt Moro Hub’s cutting-edge IPSP, a platform that combines the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) with advanced security technologies.

Implementing Moro IPSP in DHCC will support a wide range of essential functions, such as Facial Recognition (FR), Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR), and more, as per the statement.

Further, the platform will offer a comprehensive view of security data for efficient incident response. The aim is to protect the physical assets of patients, medical professionals, and all individuals visiting or working within the DHCC.

Mr. Allae Almanini, Chief Financial Officer from DHCA, said that, “We are confident that implementing Moro’s IPSP will be a game-changer for DHCC. This cutting-edge technology will fortify our security measures and enhance our community’s overall safety and well-being. With IPSP, we will be able to deliver an unmatched level of security, reinforcing our commitment to providing a world-class healthcare destination in a safe and secure environment.”