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July 26, 2024

UAE, Bosnia and Herzegovina announce visa-free travel for multiple categories

In an effort to fortify cultural ties, encourage economic development, and promote tourism, the UAE and Bosnia and Herzegovina have formally agreed to facilitate visa-free travel between the two nations.

The declaration was made during the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on visa exemption.

UAE-Bosnia and Herzegovina visa-free travel

The signed MoU, established on November 6, is aimed at simplifying and encouraging travel, trade, and inter-cultural interactions between the UAE and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

As part of this agreement, citizens from both countries possessing valid passports will now have the privilege of visa-free travel for purposes such as tourism, business, and short-term visits.

This initiative is anticipated to bolster mutual understanding of cultures, propel economic growth, and stimulate the tourism industries of both nations.


The MoU was signed by Reem bint Ebrahim Al Hashimy, the UAE’s Minister of State for International Cooperation, and Elmedin Konaković, Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Minister of Foreign Affairs.


Both sides underscored the significance of the MoU in strengthening bilateral relations.

During his visit to the UAE, the Bosnian Foreign Minister held discussions in Abu Dhabi with the UAE Minister of State for Foreign Trade, Dr Thani bin Ahmed Al Zeyoudi.

Al Zeyoudi expressed his satisfaction with the visa waiver agreement, citing statistics that highlight Bosnia and Herzegovina among the top three countries frequently visited by UAE citizens.

The signed agreement underscores the commitment of the two countries to strengthen ties and mutual cooperation.