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February 12, 2025
The UAE Tender Gate serves as the entry point for all national public and private procurement, which promotes business opportunities all over the nation. We are a sole establishment that ranks among the biggest consulting and procurement services companies in Dubai, operating under the CR Registry No. 1006962. Our main website, UAE Tender Gate, hosts the largest database of bids, projects, business news, and contract awards from multilateral funding organizations, federal, state, and local governments, utility companies, hospitals, schools, ports, NGOs, the military, etc. We help all public-private business sectors expand regionally by providing them with leads for potential tenders that will speed up their operations.
It offers comprehensive tender information and procurement procedures with a high level of user-friendliness. By connecting business opportunities from various public and private sectors through tendering, it enables companies with potential tender leads to increase their reserves. In order to ensure that our clients never miss an opportunity to secure a new project and client available in the region, UAE Tender Gate assists them in identifying current and upcoming projects, navigating the plethora of proposal opportunities, and identifying recent and future projects. We are constantly identifying regional collaborators, purchasing authorities, and multilateral funding institutions to collaborate with.
1) What are the various services offered by UAE Tender Gate
Various services offered by UAE Tender Gate are Tenders Info Bid opportunities, UAE Tender Projects, Procurement news and Contract Awards, Bidding Consultancy and facilitation, Research Archives, Request for Future Updates, Local Agent Services and Tender document Procurement etc
2) What are the various services offered by UAE Business Gate?
Offers services and consultancy to both single and groups of SMEs, public institutions and other entities that are in charge of SMEs assistance. We provide support to business initiatives and provide consultancy services to the companies willing to discover new opportunities in new markets. We count on the extensive professional experience of its founders.
3) What are the sources of tenders?
Tender Gate collects information from newspapers, journals, Tendering Authorities, Government websites, Public Sector Institutions as well as our Local Agents across the globe and agreement with the private sector companies and holding companies for them own Tenders to be publish as well the contract awarded companies in the winning of government tender.
4) Can we publish tenders on UAE BUSINESS GATE website? What are the benefits of Publishing Tenders? How do we post tenders? Who is eligible to publish tenders?
UAE Business Guide provides a platform to publish tenders on our website to reach out to their target market and find the right supplier/ vendor suitable to their product/service.
To publish a single tender, you simply provide a link to a source or attach tender document and post it. However, in the case of posting multiple tenders at once, users should register to Tender and post bulk tenders. Registered members can keep track record of published tenders and search posted tenders.
Any Government Agencies, Semi Governmental organizations, NGOs, PSU, etc can publish their tenders/leads on Tender. This will also help authorities to check the list of potential companies interested in tender opportunities relevant to their respective industry domain.